About Me

I grew up by the rocky coast of Malta, where I pursued a career as a government lawyer combatting illegal fisheries. In the past years, the urge to switch contexts and dive further into the tech world grew stronger. In 2019 I graduated from the world's leading full-stack coding bootcamp, Le Wagon. Following further studies and projects I decided to concentrate my skills into front-end development, creating functional components and websites with flair and precision. I hence focus in writing accessible HTML, using modern CSS practices and developing clean Vanilla JavaScript functions. I am also testing the waters with React.js.

After having lived, studied and worked in Perugia, Brussels and Zürich, I am currently based in Rio de Janeiro, but have over ten years' experience working with remote teams. When I’m not coding, you’ll find me playing the piano, reading, practising yoga or goofing around with my son. I’d love you to check out my work and it would be great to hear from you.

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